The UK has always held a firm ‘at arms length’ stance on the arts and heritage sector. Our diversity is our greatest strength. It is the job of cultural charities to reflect on our past and enrich this heritage through recontextualising in the present day. The presentation of narratives counter to those that we may […]
Mental Health at Christmas Time
We hope you have safe and happy holidays but not everybody looks forwards to the festive season. With thanks to Rehab 4 Addiction, a UK-based addiction helpline for sharing this infographic with us. It visually illustrates the reasons why people may be negatively impacted by Christmas, and it also illustrates ways people can avoid or […]
All the best laid plans
Reflections on 2021 It has been a year of reflection and challenges for Artspace Lifespace. Looking back on the past year at our AGM at the beginning of December, and seeing the amazing artists and activity that was supported during such a challenging time reinforces just how essential the arts and grassroots organisations are. Next […]
Invisible Army Interview by Ella O’Loughlin

Writer Carina Andrews and photographer Tina Gue sat down with Ella O’Loughlin to discuss their collaborative project: Invisible Army. Their work aims to educate people on the real lives of carers in and around Bristol, and, importantly, uplift them. Invisible Army will be sharing carers’ stories and photographs at The Vestibules in their exhibition “Stories […]
Notice for an Annual General Meeting for Artspace Lifespace CIO

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the fourth Annual General Meeting of Artspace Lifespace will be held via zoom at 17:30 on Thursday the 2nd December to transact the following business. The AGM will be recorded for minute taking. You can keep your camera off but please use your full name rather than an alias when […]
#TrinityFutures – Have your Say
Artspace Lifespace a Bristol Charity that provides creative solutions for properties is working with Trinity Bristol to understand how Trinity can increase community engagement through the activities and programmes it offers. As well as helping shape Trinity’s future, by completing this survey you can enter a prize draw to be in with a chance to WIN a fantastic #MiniRig […]
The Mansion Through Time
At Home With The Smyths – Ashton Court Mansion Eastenders has the Mitchells, Bristol had the Smyths. On June 25-27, Show of Strength brought us on a journey where we met characters from the dynasty that gave us Ashton Court Mansion. Impostors, buried treasure, a lost ring and it’s even better than a soap opera […]
There is no freedom without responsibility
Restrictions might be about to go away, but Covid has not We published the Roadmap out of Lockdown in March 2021 at which time we stated that the capacity of events will be limited until we have evidence it is safe for us to lift them. The announcement of the lifting of most remaining Covid-19 restrictions in […]
Keep it Arms Length
Words are more than conveyors of meaning – when used enough, when repeated like a mantra, when held by consensus, they can create cognitive boundaries between subjects and their objects. They can wall off the human from the humane. From the Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines that Divide Us by Nick Hayes In 2020 […]
Inspiral Residency Interview
Last month, Saskia Collyns and Maxine Sircana – the duo that make up Inspiral – held a Residency with us in our Circus Training Space. Here’s what we learnt about the adventurous pair. We are currently working on our first show as a company, ‘Interlaced’. We work with narrative-based circus using Aerial Straps, Aerial Hoop, […]
Artspace Lifespace to receive £45,500 from the second round of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund
Artspace Lifespace is among more than 2,700 recipients to benefit from the latest round of awards from the £1.57 billion Culture Recovery Fund This award will primarily cover the charities overheads but will also provide some support for core staff costs. Artspace Lifespace has received a grant of £45,500 from the Government’s £1.57 billion Culture […]
Interview with Chloe (NotNow Studio)
As part of our continuing series profiling the brilliant people to make The Island tick, we sat down with Chloe from NotNow Studios for a (virtual) chat. Here’s what we found out… Tell us about your work? My studio is called Not Now Studio. I am a hand pulled screen printer. I share the space […]
Halt Harassment
It should not take a case of extreme violence for us to see that male violence permeates throughout our society – in our Government, our police, our workplaces, our nights out, and our individual actions. Throughout all these levels we need to make changes, so that no one feels the threat or result of male […]
Ashton Court’s Prince Has Come
In May 2018, Artpace Lifespace took over the meanwhile use management of Ashton Court Mansion, with the support of Bristol City Council, and with thanks to pro-bono support from Womble Bond Dickinson. Since taking on the Mansion, Artspace has been operating Ashton Court as an Arts Venue – the Arts Mansion. In 2019 we ran […]
The Island Open Studios 2020
2020 was not a normal year by any stretch of the imagination. The adaptability, tenacity, and extreme talent shown by each of our tenants was amazing to witness. In 2020 we moved to a digital format. You can look back at our online open studios event with a virtual tour of the building or check […]
The Roadmap out of Lockdown
From March 8th some of our team who have been furloughed will be able to return to work. Restrictions requiring staff to work from home where possible will however remain in place and we urge those who can stay at home to do so. From March 29th outdoor sport and leisure facilities will be permitted, […]
How Can I Help Update
In October, FixX bikes bikes began a six-month residency of our Electric Cargo Bike. FixX bikes are a social enterprise based in Hartcliffe who pre-pandemic were delivering bike mechanic workshops to young people in the area. At the start of the pandemic, FixX bikes began delivering meals in partnership with Heart of BS13 to residents […]
Notice for an Annual General Meeting for Artspace Lifespace CIO

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the third Annual General Meeting of Artspace Lifespace will be held via zoom at 19:00 on Wednesday the 10th February to transact the following business. The AGM will be recorded for minute taking. You can keep your camera off but please use your full name rather than an alias when […]
Open Studios photo series
We commissioned our photographer tenant Chandra Prasad to produce a series of photographs of Island tenants and staff for our Open Studios and ask them about how 2020 has been for them.
Contra Project
Our Circus Training Space is usually filled with some of the most talented and daring performers in Bristol. One of our favourites is the genre-defying, queer, and female-led Contra Project, made up of Laura Murphy and Nicole A’Court Stuart. The duo are committed to making, touring and supporting the development of politically engaged, interdisciplinary, and […]
Robbie Cathro
An interview with Island resident Robbie Cathro, an illustrator making colourful illustrations for kids magazines, children’s books and editorial pieces.
Helen & Rise
Our first Spotlight story is an interview with Island resident Helen Wilson from RISE Youth Dance Company.
History of the Old Bridewell Police Station
The Island is based on the site where the Central Police Station used to be. Also known as the Bridewell, it is a historic building on Nelson Street, Broadmead, Bristol, England. It was built in 1928 by Ivor Jones and Percy Thomas and opened as a police station in November 1930 near the site of […]
An architectural journey around Ashton Court Mansion
An outdoor tour of Ashton Court which gives you some background into the history of the architecture on the West and South Front of Ashton Court Mansion.
Lockdown: The Sequel
We’re sad to announce that until December 2nd, at the earliest, we once again have to close for public events and gatherings, due to the new lockdown restrictions. Our artist studios will remain open for studio holders who cannot work from home. Our other hireable spaces will be open only for live streaming and rehearsals. […]
Our Stunning Gallery Space Has Returned
Our stunning Gallery Space is back and ready for you to exhibit your work.
The Dance Studio Is Back
We are overjoyed to be reopening the Dance Studio for classes after a period of closure, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re thrilled to, once again, host a variety of classes from some of the finest teachers and performers in our city. Rest assured, your safety remains our priority. We have put in place a […]
How Can I Help?
A residency with a difference from Artspace Lifespace, The Island and The Vestibules.
Artspace Lifespace and Covid-19
An update from the board of Trustees.
What should the new normal look like?
We are collecting responses on how you see the future: ‘The New Normal’. We’d be incredibly grateful if you could take the time to answer our questions. It shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes. At the end of the survey, you can enter to win one of the Bread and Roses prints made at The […]