The Island / Artspace Lifespace Covid-19 Guidance

Dear Island / Artspace Lifespace Community, 

As the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation evolves, Artspace Lifespace has been closely monitoring developments locally and globally. We are committed to keeping our employees, our artists and our audiences safe. At this time, all of our spaces and offices remain open and we have no plans to close. All events will proceed as planned. 

We’re following official guidance from local government in order to support the health and wellbeing of our community. Should there be any changes to the current status, we will take account of any recommendations from the relevant authorities, and implement all appropriate instructions accordingly. We ask that you join us in helping keep our spaces as prepared as possible. 


Sneeze / Cough like a Vampire – Cough or Sneeze into your elbow.
Dispose of used tissues – & wash your hands, germs can filter through tissues
Wash your hands frequently – Wash thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser gel
Disinfect your PC keyboard and mobile phone
Avoid touching your face – Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. Be conscious of the space you are using – if renting a studio for your own classes and/or rehearsals, encourage a clean transition as the next group enters the room.
Avoid close contact with people who are unwell – And avoid being around others if you are unwell.
Get advice if you are concerned or show symptoms – and alert 

We encourage staff, artists, performers and patrons to stay home if they present symptoms. We have a number of people using the building who have health issues. Taking precautions not only protects yourself but respects the concerns and wellbeing of others. 

The single most important way to help us stay safe from COVID-19 is this one: Wash your hands! Informational signs are displayed in every toilet with information on best practices to promote health and prevent the spread of infection. 

As we know in arts, it takes a village. We truly need your attention and help to stay as prepared as possible. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support! 

All of us at Artspace Lifespace / The Island.