Notice for an Annual General Meeting for Artspace Lifespace CIO

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the third Annual General Meeting of Artspace Lifespace will be held via zoom at 19:00 on Wednesday the 10th February to transact the following business. The AGM will be recorded for minute taking. You can keep your camera off but please use your full name rather than an alias when signing in to Zoom. If you have captioning requirements or any questions please contact

You can register here.

Intro from AGM Chair Kara de los Reyes

  1. Minutes of the Previous AGM to be agreed and matters arising
  2. 2. Reports and accounts Presented by Treasurer – Ryan Corkery To receive and consider the accounts for the year ended 2019 and the reports of the charity trustees and auditors.
  3. Overview of 2019  Presented by Andrew Evans
  4. Overview of FuturVille Presented by Wim Penhaul and Doug Francis
  5. Overview of 2020 Presented by Anthony Elliot
  6. 2021 onwards Presented by Ryan Corkery
  7. Auditors
  8. Appointment of charity trustees
  9. Any alteration to the Constitution
  10. Members proposed resolutions Details will be given once proposed resolutions are received. Proposed resolutions should be sent to the Secretary by [noon] [14 days prior to the date of the meeting]. A revised agenda will be issued by [7 days prior to the meeting].
  11. AOB To deal with any matters raised at the meeting.

By order of the Board of charity trustees

Notice submitted on their behalf by 

Kathryn Chiswell Jones, Company Manager

22nd January 2021