The College

Dates : 2010 – 2012
In Collaboration with Bristol City Council’s Neighbourhood Arts Team and the Homes and Communities Agency.
In February 2011 the process of establishing the former City of Bristol College site as an independent creative learning space started. A space where people come to create, teach and learn in a safe and friendly environment.
The project is maintained by volunteers and a group of full time care takers who help co-ordinate the different areas of this vast 6 acre site
The College Project is home to a huge variety of artists, illustrators, puppeteers, set-designers, graffiti artists, blacksmiths, bicycle projects, musicians, painters, theatre performers and community interest companies.
The old College Motor Mechanics Workshops was the first area to become active, and has been given a new lease of life as a home for carpenters, metal workers, set builders, puppet makers and play-workers. The workshops are also home to a small community bike workshop Spoke’n’Chain. They have also been key in bringing the College gardens back to life alongside a team of permaculture students. At the far end of the workshops in the old painting and decorating space Transitions have created the Campus Skate Park.
The main building is once again being used as classroom space for teachers and studios for illustrators, sculptors and street artists among many others. There is also a dedicated space for work with mothers and babies.
The portacabins is a space for teachers of martial arts, chi kung, Shaolin Kung Fu and other life enhancing arts and disciplines and the old Sports hall and adjoining rooms have become a centre for youth and community work.